Plan for success after your hospital stay

Prepare for a smooth transition home. Ask our Care Coordination team for help creating a plan that helps you reach your best health outcome.

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Patients come first at Community Hospital. If you or your family members have any concerns, tell your nurse right away. You can also:

Contact us

Call (831) 624-5311 or (888) 45CHOMP to reach the staff at Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula.

Know what to expect when it's time to leave Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula and what supportive services may be right for you.

Hospital discharge planning

The process of checking out from a hospital is called hospital discharge. During your stay at Community Hospital, you'll work with a discharge planner who is a registered nurse, if needed.

Your discharge planner will talk to you and your family to:

  • Plan if you'll go home or to another healthcare facility
  • Determine if you would benefit from additional services, such as home health visits, and help you set them up
  • Help you access any medical equipment or supplies you'll need

What time is discharge?

On the day of your discharge, our goal is to have you ready to leave as early as possible. Your doctor will write your discharge order and any needed prescriptions after visiting you that morning.

If you go home later in the day, you won't be charged for an extra day. There is no charge for the last day of hospitalization.

What to take home

Bring all of your belongings and any personal care items you received during your stay. Please remember to take your discharge instructions and any education materials that you received. If you need supplies to care for yourself, talk to your nurse. 

Lost and found items

If you accidentally leave anything behind, let us know as soon as possible. Contact Community Hospital Security at (831) 624-5311.


Getting home is the responsibility of the patient and family. As soon as you know you'll be discharged, arrange for a ride home, or talk to your nurse if you have special needs, such as mobility issues.

Public transportation

Use the Monterey-Salinas Transit website to plan your bus route, or pick up a bus schedule at the information desk on the hospital's main level.

Discharge medications

Your doctor may prescribe medications for you to take when you're released from the hospital. If so, your doctor will send prescriptions electronically, or you'll receive a written prescription you can take to the pharmacy of your choice.

Coverage or reimbursement for discharge medications varies by insurance plan. Some insurance plans require you to fill out certain forms.

Taking care of yourself at home

You'll receive discharge instructions (directions on how to take care of yourself) and medication information when you leave the hospital. Call your doctor or Community Hospital's nursing staff if you have questions.

Check-in call

You may receive a phone call from our staff the day after you leave the hospital. We want to make sure you're comfortable, getting the care you need at home, and following your discharge instructions.

If you live alone and are housebound, you can request a free, daily check-in call during your recovery process.

If you had surgery

Learn what to expect after your procedure and how to heal as quickly and safely and possible at home.

Fall prevention

Prevent an injury that could be severe, affect your recovery, or send you back to the hospital. Read our tips for preventing falls and making your home safer.

Follow-up care and services

Attend all follow-up appointments your doctor recommends.

Home care visits

If your physician orders a nurse to visit you at home, the homecare agency will receive information about your health history and your care plan. The homecare agency will contact you directly at home.

If you or a loved one are facing a terminal (life-ending) illness, you may benefit from hospice care visits, which focus on treating pain and other symptoms and improving your quality of life.

Billing questions

If you have questions after you receive your hospital bill, call Patient Business Services at (831) 625-4922.

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